I.Date: Tuesday, December 25, 200.
II.Class: Class 2 in the 1st year. Senior High School.
III.Period of Time: 2nd Period (1:20P.M. -2:50P.M.).
IV.Text: MILESTONE, English Course1, Lesson2, “Tara in Japan”.
VI.Aims of This Lesson
VII. Aims of This Period
1.Review of the Preceding period (10min.)
2.Presentation of the New Material (20min.)
3.The Reading of the New Material (5min.)
4.Drill of the New Structures and Expressions (13min.)
5.Consolidation (2min.)
また、Listeningの前に3つ質問を与えて、そして後からその答えを生徒に言わせたときには、YesとかThat’s rightなどというだけではなくて、生徒の答え(正しいときはさらに補足を、間違っているときには正しい解答の導き方、どこを見ればわかるのかなどを説明)を使ってそれを再確認しながら答え合わせができるといいと思う。その時、答えは生徒が目でも確認できるように、その都度黒板に板書していくべきであろう。教師が正しい解答の仕方を示すことによって、あとのPair Workでは生徒たちが会話する際に参考になるので、端折ってしまいがちなことではあるけれども、やるべき必須事項に入ってくることだと思う。
Aims of this period:
1. Let the students know the theme of Lesson 4.
2. To help the students to read the textbook with right pronunciation and stress.
3. To help the students to learn the use of new words, phrases and structures.
Teaching Procedure:
Procedure Time Activities Note
1. Greeting and Taking attendance 5 min. Making the atmosphere that the students study in. Let the students pay attention to the teacher.
2. Lesson4 Introduction Introducing the whole of Lesson4 roughly.
3. Lesson4-part1 Introduction Introducing the brief outline of Lesson 4. Explaining to the students and asking them some questions.
4. Model reading 3 min. Reading the textbook, Lesson 4 – part 1 The students listen carefully to the teacher.