He thinks that would be rude
there could be no culture
2015_Z1003_英語コミュニケーション 最終試験対策と自作のレポートです。
最終試験対策は出回っている資料よりは まとまっていて、意味が通っていて、覚えやすく、
700字程でまとめました。 実際覚えてみて、良くできていると思います。
①テキストにある“The Americans”の章を日本語で要約しなさい。733字
②テキストにある“The English”の章を日本語で要約しなさい。 722字
③テキストにある“The Italians”の章を日本語で要約しなさい。 746字
④テキストにある“The French”の章を日本語で要約しなさい。 748字
⑤テキストにある“The Germans”の章を日本語で要約しなさい。 710字
⑥テキストにある“The Chinese”の章を日本語で要約しなさい。 713字
(問1)テキストにある“The Americans”の章を日本語で要約しなさい。
1.Why are Americans sure that everybody likes them?
2.Why do the English think that English food is the finest cuisine in the world?
3.Why do Italians travel to foreign countries?
4.Why are the French the most faddish people on Earth?
5.Why aren't the Germans eager to take up anything new?
(問1)テキストにある“The English”の章を日本語で要約しなさい。
1.From what dose a gun owner protect himself in America?
2.What is the reason why the Englishman cannot tell anyone that he is superior to the citizen of any other country?
3.What should you do if you own an Italian car?
4.What is the one place that the French don't exercise their passion for reason and intellectualism?
5.How do the Chinese see all other countries?
(問1)テキストにある“The Italians”の章を日本語で要約しなさい。
1.What are American athletes told to do?
2.What is the reason why an Englishman would never appear romantic or passionate?
3.Why do many children nap for three hours in the afternoon in Italy?
4.Why do the Germans like the English?
5.What is very important to survive in society in China?
(問1)テキストにある“The French”の章を日本語で要約しなさい。
1.What keeps football players from being killed in America?
2.When is an Englishman free to express himself?
3.What should a man be able to do to be sexy in France?
4.Why is Switzerland the only nation to out-German the Germans?
5.Why do many historians think that the present Chinese Communist government is just another dynasty?
(問1)テキストにある“The Germans”の章を日本語で要約しなさい。
1.What do gun owners say about guns used in a violent crime?
2.How do foreigners see Italians?
3.What makes a person successful in France?
4.Why aren't the Germans surprised that other people cannot understand them?
5.How are Chinese restaurants different from Western restaurants?
(問1)テキストにある“The Chinese”の章を日本語で要約しなさい。
1.Why do the English pity people who believe that their country is the best in the world?
2.How do Italian women spend most of their lives?
3.Why can a politician become extremely popular just by announcing he has a new idea in France?
4.Why do the Germans hate breaking rules?
5.What type of girl is considered sexy in China?
第1設題 「(1) テキストの第一章“The Americans”から第六章“The Chinese”までを読んで、それぞれの内容に関する自分の意見を日本語で述べなさい。
(2) 次の設問にテキストの内容にそって英語で答えなさい。
1.Why are Americans sure that everybody likes them?
2.What is the reason why the Englishman cannot tell anyone that he is superior to the citizen of any other country?
3.Why do many children nap for three hours in the afternoon in Italy?
4.Why is Switzerland the only nation to out-German the Germans?
5.How are Chinese restaurants different from Western restaurants?」
I.Date: Tuesday, December 25, 200.
II.Class: Class 2 in the 1st year. Senior High School.
III.Period of Time: 2nd Period (1:20P.M. -2:50P.M.).
IV.Text: MILESTONE, English Course1, Lesson2, “Tara in Japan”.
VI.Aims of This Lesson
VII. Aims of This Period
1.Review of the Preceding period (10min.)
2.Presentation of the New Material (20min.)
3.The Reading of the New Material (5min.)
4.Drill of the New Structures and Expressions (13min.)
5.Consolidation (2min.)
また、Listeningの前に3つ質問を与えて、そして後からその答えを生徒に言わせたときには、YesとかThat’s rightなどというだけではなくて、生徒の答え(正しいときはさらに補足を、間違っているときには正しい解答の導き方、どこを見ればわかるのかなどを説明)を使ってそれを再確認しながら答え合わせができるといいと思う。その時、答えは生徒が目でも確認できるように、その都度黒板に板書していくべきであろう。教師が正しい解答の仕方を示すことによって、あとのPair Workでは生徒たちが会話する際に参考になるので、端折ってしまいがちなことではあるけれども、やるべき必須事項に入ってくることだと思う。