Studying American History, I found the controversy about slavery arose at any occasions. Slavery brought great effects to American society in economy, ethnicity, and ideology. I thought the life of slaves was very tough; for example, they had to work from morn...
This article was the most interesting one for me throughout the textbook. It must sound strange because slavery issues were so tensed, but I enjoyed reading what was said in the article. The letter Jourdan Anderson wrote implies how his life was going well com...
The film “The Last of the Mohicans” is a story set before the United States was established when French and British were fighting against each other in the huge wilderness of the Americas. The movie describes the situation in America well that at time battle...
The movement of people coming from the Old World to the New World gave significant changes in history. I want to take a close look at the phrase, “Rather than telling the story of colonization as the imposition of European ways of life through ‘discovery’ a...
Thirteen colonies in the North America roughly can be divided into three regions: the New England, Middle, and South region. Each had different characteristics, and people had different styles of living. If I were one of colonials in northern America, I would ...
The two-party political system had established after the revolution. One was Federalist Party, led by Secretary of Treasury Hamilton. The other one was Democratic-Republican Party, led by Secretary of State Jefferson. There were many differences in how they ma...
When people live in a society, they always need some rules or restrictions to follow, and the right of each person to live happily needs to be protected. When I was born, the existence of constitutions in many societies was normal, so I took this fact for gran...
What surprised me about Queen Elizabeth I after watching the movie, was that Elizabeth I had great power as a leader of her country even though she was a female. Even in today’s society, women’s status is not always equal to men’s status, I imagine that wom...
When people first settled in the new land America, they started from the wilderness. Because of people’s efforts, they made the new land to have unique characteristics, and more people would want to come to America to seek for their opportunities and freedom....
Ever since the Europeans settled in the new land of America, colonials had created the unique characteristics in each area. They started to question how the Colonial America should be. For Britain, colonies only existed to serve for the mother country. Colonie...
During World War II, numbers of people have lost their lives not only in the actual fighting taken place all over the world, but also in the unfair way (of course, killing each other is nothing but unfair in any case), which is genocide. Nazis did genocide bec...
Americans had lived pretty much free of most British constraints and enjoyed their support and protection. They were not taxed for it, and livings of average colonists were usually better than that of average British. However, the situation had started to chan...