Living in the Colony


    • ページ数 : 3ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


    Thirteen colonies in the North America roughly can be divided into three regions: the New England, Middle, and South region. Each had different characteristics, and people had different styles of living. If I were one of colonials in northern America, I would like to live in the Middle colonial region. It included the western half of Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. The Middle Colonies had in-between characteristics of the southern and the New England colonies in the perspective of the environment, economy, diversity of people, ideology of reigning people, and convenience of living there.
    First, the environment of the Middle colonies was the most moderate among the three. It did not get too cold in winter nor did it get too hot in summer. The geographical condition allowed people to do things smoothly. People did not have major problems doing agriculture because the soil was in good condition. People mostly grew and exported grains. On the other hand, in the New England, they had rocky soil which made people very difficult to do agriculture. In the Middle colonial region, they also had the means to transport the crops to other places. The rivers, such as Susquehanna, Delaware, and Hudson, became the important transport route of the fur trade.

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    Living in the Colony
    Thirteen colonies in the North America roughly can be divided into three regions: the New England, Middle, and South region. Each had different characteristics, and people had different styles of living. If I were one of colonials in northern America, I would like to live in the Middle colonial region. It included the western half of Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. The Middle Colonies had in-between characteristics of the southern and the New England col...


