The Projects for the Future


    • ページ数 : 4ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


    During World War II, numbers of people have lost their lives not only in the actual fighting taken place all over the world, but also in the unfair way (of course, killing each other is nothing but unfair in any case), which is genocide. Nazis did genocide because they believed that the German and English are the supreme people, and they should dominate in the world. My questions are: who is the supreme and inferior? What is normal? How can one race become better than the other one? All the human beings should be the same. Having watched the film about aftermaths WWII in Germany, “German Death Camp,” I was made to think so many things which seem to have no conclusions, but it is a very important thing to face with the facts and learn something from them.
    Each individual has a right to live in this world, and this right should not be taken away from by anybody. The rights of people who have killed were disregarded. Each individual must have had things they wanted to do at that time and later. The very country who did the inhumane genocide was Germany; however, the European climate at that time was also an indirect cause of this event happened.

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    The Projects for the Future
    During World War II, numbers of people have lost their lives not only in the actual fighting taken place all over the world, but also in the unfair way (of course, killing each other is nothing but unfair in any case), which is genocide. Nazis did genocide because they believed that the German and English are the supreme people, and they should dominate in the world. My questions are: who is the supreme and inferior? What is normal? How can one race become better than...


