“The Constitution: Revolutionary or Counterrevolutionary?”


    • ページ数 : 2ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


    When people live in a society, they always need some rules or restrictions to follow, and the right of each person to live happily needs to be protected. When I was born, the existence of constitutions in many societies was normal, so I took this fact for granted. I strongly feel a constitution is needed to keep a nation on the right track. I found varied reasons or conspiracies lying in creating the Constitution of the United States.

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    "The Constitution: Revolutionary or Counterrevolutionary?"
    When people live in a society, they always need some rules or restrictions to follow, and the right of each person to live happily needs to be protected. When I was born, the existence of constitutions in many societies was normal, so I took this fact for granted. I strongly feel a constitution is needed to keep a nation on the right track. I found varied reasons or conspiracies lying in creating the Constitution of the United States.
    I ...


