It is estimated by 2006 , the electronic devices and components market used in the cell-phone will rise to 44,100 million dollars from 33,400 million U.S. dollars in 2001. Among them the market share that the semiconductor accounts for is relatively stable; Sh...
The death penalty has been a controversial issue ever since law were made. Nowadays, there are countries where execution is considered illegal. Although countries in the Middle East with an unbelievably strict punishment for crimes have very low crime-rates, I...
まず、次の例を見ていただきたい。 a. the sleeping baby (眠っている赤ん坊) b. the sleeping bag (寝袋) c. waiting people (待っている人たち) d. a waiting room (待合室) 上の例を見るとある種の疑問を抱くだろう。それは準動詞において動名詞なのか現在分詞...