代表キーワード :: 英語


  • 小学校の英語教育
  • 小学校の英語教育 小学校に英語教育を導入することに関して、授業で取り扱った内容を考慮しながら論じたいと思う。 「小学校の時から英語の勉強をする」という議題に関しては特に異論はない。授業用レジュメの第5章第2節で「子供の脳は柔らかい」と論じられていた通り、子供の脳と...
  • 550 販売中 2010/11/10
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  • Through Reading Bridget Jones`s Diary
  • ◆Brief Summary Bridget Jones’s Diary is a novel in the style of a Diary written by a woman named Bridget Jones. Bridget is in her thirties and still single. Her Diary starts with New Year’s Resolutions, which are so close and somewhat attainable. Her famil...
  • 550 販売中 2005/12/04
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  • 【明星通信】☆PB1040 英語 1・2単位お得セット 合格レポート☆
  • 明星大学通信教育部、英語1・2単位目の合格レポートです。これから提出される方の少しでも参考になれると幸いです。 ※追伸:丸写しはせずにあくまで参考資料としてお使いください。 ◆1単位目課題 1.小学校に外国語(英語)教育が導入されるようになった経緯を踏まえた上...
  • 440 販売中 2022/09/21
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  • 英語A2020年度第2課題
  • 中央大学法学部通信教育課程 Word 用レポート原稿用紙(ダウンロード用) 1 / 4 201904-1 (1)英文 The region already faces a witches’ brew of problems that environmentalists say are being worsened by climate change ; coastal erosion, saltwater intrusion ont...
  • 660 販売中 2021/06/16
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  • 「Nowadays」
  • Foreign language should be instructed beginning kindergartners. Nowadays, people learning foreign language has increased and some use their foreign language skill to use by studying abroad. On the other hand, some parents do not want kids to study other langu...
  • 5,500 販売中 2008/08/03
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  • 英語コミュニュケーション
  • 「(1)テキストの第一章“The Americans”から第六章“The Chinese”までを読んで、それぞれの内容に関する自分の意見を日本語で述べなさい。 (2)次の設問にテキストの内容にそって英語で答えなさい。 1.Why are American sure that everybody likes them? 2.What is the...
  • 550 販売中 2010/11/30
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  • Evaporation and Intermolecular Attractions Lab.
  • 1.Calculate the mean, standard deviation and percent standard deviation of your t-values. Include the values in a table. 2.Two of the liquids, 2-propanol and acetone, had significantly different t-values. Explain the difference in t values of these substan...
  • 660 販売中 2005/07/21
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  • 英語D2020年度第1課題
  • 中央大学法学部通信教育課程 Word 用レポート原稿用紙(ダウンロード用) 1 / 4 201904-1 (1)英文 Now for the other part of the machine. Here is a brass cylinder grooved something like the spiral part of a screw, only much finer. I wrap a sheet of tin foil a...
  • 660 販売中 2021/06/16
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  • The meaning of learning English in University
  • English is one of the most widely spoken languages by people in the world. It is hugely beneficial for Business and commerce and international relations. It allows one to personally communicate with a larger range of people if there is a common language. Engli...
  • 550 販売中 2011/02/07
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  • Weapons in Balin’s Tale
  • On discussing Balin’s weapons, I would like to introduce Balin’s tale at first. Balin is a member of the Knights of the Round Table. After the first Lady of the Lake gave Excalibur to Arthur, another lady came with a beautiful sword. She says only “a passin...
  • 550 販売中 2005/07/31
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  • The Car,The futuer
  • 1. If cars are banned or restricted, people may become more relaxed. 2. The question said, In what way or ways do you think the writer`s predictions have already come true. I am not sure should I write all or just some parts of them. So I just wrote some.
  • 660 販売中 2010/09/24
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