代表キーワード :: 英語


  • technological prospect
  • It is estimated by 2006 , the electronic devices and components market used in the cell-phone will rise to 44,100 million dollars from 33,400 million U.S. dollars in 2001. Among them the market share that the semiconductor accounts for is relatively stable; Sh...
  • 550 販売中 2005/06/07
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  • スイスの言語状況:英語の台頭に対する課題
  • スイスの言語状況 ―英語の台頭に対する課題― Written by Koshiro はじめに 2007年のルーマニア・ブルガリアの加盟によって27ヶ国体制となったEU。それは極めて多数の言語・民族からなる組織であるがゆえに、さまざまな問題を抱えている。しかし、ヨーロッパには同じように多数の...
  • 550 販売中 2010/07/26
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  • Japan's struggle with English
  • The Necessity of Active English Education In The Daily Yomiuri, eight reasons which make it difficult for Japanese to learn English are offered. It strikes me that Japanese people struggle with English because of the conventional passive education. In my opini...
  • 550 販売中 2008/02/11
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  • Recent Young People`s Diet
  • Recent Young People’s Diet Introduction Today, young people’s thinking or values reflect their habits which we call “Youth Culture”. The culture influences Japanese society. It’s therefore interesting to understand what Japanese young people like t...
  • 550 販売中 2005/07/18
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  • School Age and Grade Year of Education in Japan
  • School Age and Grade Year of Education in Japan In Japan, there are, in general, few students who are forced or admitted to skip or repeat the grade in compulsory education. Even in high school and university, where students are allowed to skip or repeat the g...
  • 550 販売中 2008/10/27
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  • The Benefit Of Public Transportation
  • Today there are many kinds of vehicles such as cars, buses, trains, and airplanes. People use these machines to go to their offices, get the schools and enjoy their trip. I think there are two choices of the way you get somewhere; the choices are driving your ...
  • 550 販売中 2005/07/25
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  • 英語の効果的勉強法
  • Description English is a world common language. Almost all countries introduced compulsory English education because the more and more society demands us to speak, read, write, and listen in English. EAP is an abbreviation of English for Academic Purpose. Thi...
  • 550 販売中 2006/08/15
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  • Images of Distance and Connection in “Theme for English B”
  • The poem “Theme for English B,” written by Langston Hughes, expresses the speaker’s feeling of separation from others just because he was an African American. The speaker is considered to be the author himself. He attends college, and he is the only African...
  • 550 販売中 2006/04/02
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  • 教科Ⅱ英語
  • Reading指導の原則と実際の活動についてまとめなさい。 Reading指導の原則【方法】 現在コミュニケーションを重視した、リスニング、スピーキングの授業が工夫される中、それでもやはり英語を読む技能は他のどのスキルより利用価値が高く、英語授業においても最も大切なスキルであ...
  • 550 販売中 2009/12/02
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  • 小学校の英語教育
  • 小学校の英語教育 小学校に英語教育を導入することに関して、授業で取り扱った内容を考慮しながら論じたいと思う。 「小学校の時から英語の勉強をする」という議題に関しては特に異論はない。授業用レジュメの第5章第2節で「子供の脳は柔らかい」と論じられていた通り、子供の脳と...
  • 550 販売中 2010/11/10
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  • The Evil Characteristics of Claudius
  • Claudius is a king of Denmark when the play “The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark” starts, He is an uncle of Hamlet, and Hamlet thinks of Claudius as an evil king who has murdered King Hamlet. I think Claudius is entirely evil and is a bad king because h...
  • 550 販売中 2006/05/23
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