代表キーワード :: 理工学


  • 「飛ぶ」とは
  • 飛ぶ」とは 飛行機の翼は、上にふくらんだ流線型の断面を持っています。飛行機が前進すると、空気は翼の前縁で上下に分かれて進みますが、上の方がふくらんでいるだけ距離が長いので、スピードが早くならなければなりません。スピードが速くなければありません。スピードが速く...
  • 550 販売中 2006/03/23
  • 閲覧(1,119)
  • This film is about the forming curve in the plane. You can think the curve with the pass with the moving point. But we will acquit the curve satisfied certain condition. First, we only consider closed curves. That is closed with the moving point return to th...
  • 550 販売中 2006/01/20
  • 閲覧(1,106)
  • Heats of Reaction
  • *Aim According to Hess’s law, the heat of reaction of the one reaction should be equal to the sum of the heats of reaction for the other two. Measure the heat released by 3 reactions by using a Styrofoam-cup to than calculate for the heat of reaction, ΔH, fo...
  • 550 販売中 2005/07/21
  • 閲覧(1,105)
  • Neutralization, Combustion and Heat of Reaction
  • Aim: /Experiment 1. Find out the ΔH of neutralization /Experiment 2. Find out the heat of combustion of the ethanol. /Experiment 3. Find out the heat of reaction between CuSO4 and Mg. Hypothesis: /Experiment 1. I think the result become negati...
  • 550 販売中 2005/07/21
  • 閲覧(1,105)
  • Sturm`s Theorem and the Application
  • Chapter 1 Sturm’s Theorem 1.1 Sturm’s Thorem Definition 1.1 We define that the number of changed sign V (a1, · · · , an) for a = 1, · · · , an ∈ R is as follows. For the sequense (a1, · · ·...
  • 3,300 販売中 2006/02/08
  • 閲覧(1,098)
  • Wavelength Lab
  • In this experiment, I don’t think there is not so much error. The reason for this is because we can only make an error in the measurement. The room temperature, humidity may cause some changes but I think in this experiment, we don’t have much effect by thes...
  • 550 販売中 2005/07/30
  • 閲覧(1,091)
  • HILBERTの公理系
  • 交点の存在、対角線の交差、equalの意味・・・
  • 550 販売中 2006/02/07
  • 閲覧(1,087)
  • What is DSL?
  • What is DSL? I researched about DSL. DSL is a very high-speed connection for Internet. There are several kinds of popular connections for Internet. One ways is modem, which we use telephone line. Second way is LAN (Local Area Network). This connection mos...
  • 550 販売中 2006/01/05
  • 閲覧(1,086)
  • Observing Oxidation and Reduction Reactions
  • *Station1; test tube, copper (II) sulfate, small piece of zinc *Station2; test tube, iron (III) chloride, small piece of zinc, 5 drops of potassium hexacyanoferrate *Station3; test tube, 1.0M hydrochloric acid, small strip of magnesium metal, wooden splint,...
  • 550 販売中 2005/07/30
  • 閲覧(1,084)
  • Investin Sequence
  • From the question above, we can see that for n = 1, we will get 1 x 1! by the equation. And for n = 2, we have 2 x 2! and identically, we have 3 x 3!, when n = 3. There is a simple pattern. So, we can understand that the n x n! is the formula for the nth ter...
  • 1,320 販売中 2005/07/30
  • 閲覧(1,082)
  • 寒冷圏の科学
  • 1.湖や池の氷(真水氷)と海氷の違いは何か?それぞれの生成の仕方を説明せよ。 真水は0℃で凍るが、海水は−1.8℃にならないと凍らない。そして真水は0℃になればなったところから凍るが海水は上から下まで−1.8℃にならないと凍らない。そのため海が凍る際には塩分の薄いとこ...
  • 550 販売中 2006/05/09
  • 閲覧(1,054)