*Analgesics are drugs that reliece pain. Strong Analgesics) Used for relief of very severe pain. Mild Analgesics) Used fo
550 販売中 2005/07/19
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Test how acid rain will affect the seed’s sprout. Instead of the real acid rain, make 5 different concentration sulfuric acids (H2
550 販売中 2005/07/19
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● 李陵の人物像 弓の名手でもあった名将、李広の孫。漢の武帝に仕える。祖父の血を受け継ぎ、優れた騎射の腕を持つ。更に部下や 仲間からも厚く信頼されている。 非常に誠実な人物であり、武帝に忠誠を誓っている。匈奴攻撃の際は、たった5千程の歩兵で8万の大軍を相
550 販売中 2005/07/19
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Western and Eastern Front
In the First World War, there were many fronts. However, we can say that the Western Front and the Eastern front were 2 of the mai
550 販売中 2005/07/19
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World War I
There were many causes of the World War?. But I think “Balance of Power” and “Alliance System” were the main long-term causes of t
550 販売中 2005/07/19
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Subjective nature of peception
Fundamentally, we human beings can perceive and interpret something through 2 different views, one is the objective view and other
550 販売中 2005/07/19
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Scientific Knowledge
The science is one of the important thing in our life. There are basically 3 scientific methods to know and learn something. Those
550 販売中 2005/07/19
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