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  • 日本国憲法:第1課題 第1設題(A)
  • こちらは、大学の通信教育のレポートです。個人のレポートにより、一部分だけを変更したもの、そのまま写したものは、違反になり学則において処罰の対象となります。あくまで参考程度にお願いします。 第一課題第一設題「天皇の機能について説明しなさい」 評価A 【参考文献】 「憲法要説」斎藤静敬 成文堂 「日本国憲法」聖徳大学 聖徳大学
  • 大学 レポート 共通課題 日本国憲法
  • 550 販売中 2012/04/23
  • 閲覧(2,131)
  • The Meanings of the Rose in “A Rose for Emily”
  •  In the short story “A Rose for Emily” written by William Faulkner, the title mentions a rose; although it does not seem that the rose plays an important role in this story superficially. The word “rose” appears twice at the end of the story: when the town’s people break into her house and see valance curtains of faded rose color and the rose-shaded lights. In this case, the word “rose” is used in terms of color, not as a flower. In many stories, a title includes main ideas or things that are related to the contents of the story. Even though the author does not put much importance on the rose, it is a symbol of the situations and characteristics of Emily and the ironical contrasts in this story.  First, the rose is a symbol of Emily herself. In the past, roses were often given to people of higher status such as kings and queens. Readers can tell that Emily’s father has once held high status from the fact that he has a big house and loans money to the town. Therefore, the idea that she is a noblesse sticks in people’s minds despite the fact that she is not rich at all after her father’s death. She is always the one whom people gossip about. In other words, she gets the attention of people like the rose.  Second, the thorn of the rose is a symbol of another characteristic of Emily after her father’s death. She insists that she does not have to pay the taxes even though those people who made the decision that her family does not have to pay the taxes to the town are dead. She is obstinate.
  • レポート 海外文学 William Faulkner Rose シンボリズム 短編 バラ
  • 550 販売中 2006/02/14
  • 閲覧(1,783)
  • A評価
  • 「地域を基盤とした相談援助の特徴と援助過程を述べよ。」  相談援助は、さまざまな福祉機関・施設などで行われており、援助の対象も多岐にわたる。地域を基盤とした相談援助では、特に人と環境との相互作用に目を向け、ミクロ・メゾ・マクロの視点を含む包括的なアプローチが必要である。また、多職種のチームアプローチや多機関間の連携協働が必要であり、さらには問題解決だけではない予防的視点も重視される。
  • 東京福祉 レポート 精神保健福祉援助技術論 環境 福祉 人権 情報 社会 障害者 援助 地域
  • 1,100 販売中 2017/06/09
  • 閲覧(5,285)