Global Warming: Will Human-Induced Climate Change Destroy the World?

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Global Warming
Will Human-Induced Climate Change Destroy the World?
By Rich Deem
Note: This slideshow is NOT meant to be printed. View in slideshow mode only because of extensive builds and animations. Go to the website for a printable copy. Requires PowerPoint 2003 or PowerPoint Viewer 2003.
Click Here for a PowerPoint Presentation with Narration (
This slideshow present an overview of global warming issues, last updated 8/11/2006. A more detailed analysis of global warming issues is available at, including a printable PDF version. Auto-run with narration at 
Is the world getting warmer?
If so, are the actions of mankind to blame for earth’s temperature increases?
What can/should be done about these issues?
Are the potential resolutions worth the cost to implement them?
In examining global warming, we will be looking at questions such as 
Is the world getting warmer? 
If so, are the actions of mankind to blame for earth’s temperature increases? 
What can or should be done about global warming? 
Are the potential resolutions to global warming worth the cost to implement them? 
History of Earth’s Climate
Earth formed ~4.6 billion years ago
Originally very hot
Sun’s energy output only 70% of present
Liquid water present ~4.3 billion years ago (zircon dating)



Global Warming
Will Human-Induced Climate Change Destroy the World?
By Rich Deem
Note: This slideshow is NOT meant to be printed. View in slideshow mode only because of extensive builds and animations. Go to the website for a printable copy. Requires PowerPoint 2003 or PowerPoint Viewer 2003.
Click Here for a PowerPoint Presentation with Narration (
This slideshow present an overview of global warming issues, last updated 8/11/2006. A more detailed analysis of global warming issues is available at, including a printable PDF version. Auto-run with narration at 
Is the world getting warmer?
If so, are the actions of mankind to blame for earth’s temperature increases?
What can/should be done about these issues?
Are the potential resolutions worth the cost to implement them?
In examining global warming, we will be looking at questions such as 
Is the world getting warmer? 
If so, are the actions of mankind to blame for earth’s temperature increases? 
What can or should be done about global warming? 
Are the potential resolutions to global warming worth the cost to implement them? 
History of Earth’s Climate
Earth formed ~4.6 billion years ago
Originally very hot
Sun’s energy output only 70% of present
Liquid water present ~4.3 billion years ago (zircon dating)
Much of earth’s early history erased during late heavy bombardment (~3.9 billion years ago)
This is a big picture examination of the earth’s climate 
The Earth was formed around 4.6 billion years ago 
And was originally very hot 
However, the Sun’s energy output was only 70% of what it is presently 
Liquid water was present on the surface around 4.3 billion years ago, according to zircon dating 
However, much of earth’s early history was erased during late heavy bombardment, which took place around 3.9 billion years ago 
History of Earth’s Climate
Life appeared ~3.8 billion years ago
Photosynthesis began 3.5-2.5 billion years ago
Produced oxygen and removed carbon dioxide and methane (greenhouse gases)
Earth went through periods of cooling (“Snowball Earth”) and warming
Earth began cycles of glacial and interglacial periods ~3 million years ago
The first life forms appeared ~3.8 billion years ago 
Photosynthesis began 3.5-2.5 billion years ago, 
which produced oxygen and removed carbon dioxide and methane, which are greenhouse gases, from the atmosphere 
As a result, the Earth went through periods of cooling, commonly referred to as “Snowball Earth” and subsequent warming 
Earth began its current cycles of glacial and interglacial periods around 3 million years ago 
Earth’s Temperature
The temperature of the earth is directly related to the energy input from the Sun.  Some of the Sun’s energy is reflected by clouds.  Other is reflected by ice. The remainder is absorbed by the earth. 
Earth’s Temperature
 If amount of solar energy absorbed by the earth is equal to the amount radiated back into space, the earth remains at a constant temperature. 
Earth’s Temperature
 However, if the amount of solar energy is greater than the amount radiated, then the earth heats up. 
Earth’s Temperature
 If the amount of solar energy is less than the amount radiated, then the earth cools down. 
Greenhouse Effect
To a certain degree, the earth acts like a greenhouse.  Energy from the Sun penetrates the glass of a greenhouse and warms the air and objects within the greenhouse. The same glass slows the heat from escaping, resulting in much higher temperatures within the greenhouse than outside it. 
Earth’s Atmospheric Gases
Nitrogen (N2)
Oxygen (O2)
Water (H2O)
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
Methane (CH4)
Non- Greenhouse


