Top Ten Things to Know About Global Warming


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    Top Ten Things to Know About Global Warming
    Number Ten
    There is a scientific consensus that human activities are very likely to affect global climate
    Number Nine
    There is some chance that, due to the uncertainties of complex models and the assumptions used to drive them, the consensus is wrong.



    Top Ten Things to Know About Global Warming
    Number Ten
    There is a scientific consensus that human activities are very likely to affect global climate
    Number Nine
    There is some chance that, due to the uncertainties of complex models and the assumptions used to drive them, the consensus is wrong.
    Number Eight
    Ignoring the potential implications of climate change is taking a big risk with a valuable asset.
    The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recommends that we avoid “dangerous human interference” with global climate systems.
    Number Seven
    In order to avoid dangerous interference, IPCC estimates that we need to hold global emissions about steady.
    Number Six
    Since the developing world would still like to develop, the developed world must make substantial emissions reductions.
    IPCC says 70-80 percent of current levels must be reduced by 2040-2050.
    Important Data
    More Important Data
    Number Five
    The Kyoto Protocol will result in only modest emission reductions
    The US has not yet ratified this treaty
    Number Four
    We have 30-40 years to transform industrialized society
    Reducing emissions by 70-80 percent is a substantial challenge
    US Greenhouse Emissions
    US CO2 Emissions
    US Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions
    Number Three
    We already have technologies that can help us on the way
    Renewable Energy
    Coal-gasification with carbon sequestration
    Number Two
    The behavioral challenges are much more daunting than the technological ones.
    Number One
    Climate change isn’t likely to affect our generation.
    We need to make changes for subsequent generations.


