連関資料 :: Which?


  • Mead and Freeman- Which Is Right?
  • Margaret Mead is said to be one of the pioneers of the field of psychological anthropology. She concluded what determines conflicts during the adolescent period are created by the surrounding culture; moreover, one’s personality is determined by only culture, not by biological factors. Mead went to the eastern islands in the Samoa when she was 23. She introduced a very different view of anthropology, but if only the way she researched were carefully discussed and learned before she conducted participant observations. An anthropologist, Derek Freeman, disagreed with Mead, criticizing her research had many errors after he visited Samoa. I have read two books, “Coming of Age in Samoa,” written by Mead and “Margaret Mead and Samoa: The Making and Unmaking of an Anthropological Myth,” written by Freeman (both were Japanese translated version). I support Freeman’s idea that both biological and cultural influences would bring conflicts during adolescent and characterize one’s personality. To support this idea, I am going to indicate why the research Mead had done does not support the idea that culture is the only thing which determines one’s personality from many reasons. The first problem in Mead’s research was she was not well prepared to start her research in the Samoa islands. She was told to do an adolescent research by her professor, Franz Bois in graduate school. She arrived in the Samoa with little knowledge of history, lifestyle, custom, and/or culture.
  • レポート Margaret Mead Derek Freeman 文化決定論 遺伝決定論 サモアの思春期
  • 550 販売中 2006/11/04
  • 閲覧(1,319)
  • I want to talk you about the overseas drama which I am stuck in recently today
  • I want to talk you about the overseas drama which I am stuck in recently today. The name of the drama is "sex and the city." I do not understand whether everybody knows it. Then at first I easily introduce this drama. What 's "SEX AND THE CITY?" The television play series for one episode 30 that started broadcast in June, 1998. It is the story of Carry, Charlotte, Miranda, Samantha. They are the women New Yorker group of 4 that they all unmarried, over 30 generations , and have enough carrier and income . They spend powerful, stylish love and sexual life. Though describing a wild sexual life boldly, there is not much ugliness and the drama is crowded with many highlights such as the story which includes diversity of the lines that approached the true intention of adult women, feelings of urban living, and the friendship among women, and fashions or cultures which are really popular in recent New York (=THE CITY). Next, I'll explain the reason why I love this drama . First, this drama is very easy to get close somehow. The characters of 4 which is peculiar to girls are expressed well, and for their actions, I often nodding with them heartily and say "understand it, understand it!!" Though how old they become and how many experiences they have, they all awkward for love and the time even if they understand "the right action" with a head but they can't move actually, I am sympathize with them. But…it is slightly hard to a boy to express the true intention of a woman to
  • 英語 エッセイ
  • 550 販売中 2008/06/21
  • 閲覧(1,550)