The Negative Effects of Cell Phones


    • ページ数 : 9ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


    How could people who lived one hundred years ago imagine the great improvement in technology today? One of the technological improvements people can directly feel is cellular phones since they seem to have become an integral part of people’s lives. Cell phones (also called mobile phones) are portable phones, which first appeared in 1947 when researchers saw the crude mobile phones installed in cars. At that time, cell phones were very expensive so that they were out of reach for the majority of people. Cell phones have been transformed many times, and more useful functions have been added; they are no longer only tools for talking, but they are also tools for sending and receiving text messages, taking pictures, organizing personal information, and accessing the internet. Cell phones are used worldwide, and the majority of adults, teenagers, and even children own one in countries where cell phones are commonly used. Cell phones are so convenient that in today’s society, it would be hard for many people to do business, to communicate with other people, or to store information without them. However, they have also created new problems that people have to deal with, such as negative effects in heath, legislation, and behavior.


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    How could people who lived one hundred years ago imagine the great improvement in technology today? One of the technological improvements people can directly feel is cellular phones since they seem to have become an integral part of people's lives. Cell phones (also called mobile phones) are portable phones, which first appeared in 1947 when researchers saw the crude mobile phones installed in cars. At that time, cell phones were very expensive so that they were out of reach for the majority of ...


