Through Reading Bridget Jones`s Diary


    • ページ数 : 3ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


    ◆Brief Summary
    Bridget Jones’s Diary is a novel in the style of a Diary written by a woman named Bridget Jones. Bridget is in her thirties and still single. Her Diary starts with New Year’s Resolutions, which are so close and somewhat attainable. Her family and relatives think it’s a shame that she is still single, so they try desperately to motivate her to marry someone (for example, they introduced a man named Mark Darcy to her), which makes her frustrated.
    She is sick of going to work, but the only thing that brings her to the office is seeing Daniel Cleaver, her boss. Daniel is handsome and interesting. One day he sends an e-mail message about skirt to her, and they keep strange e-mail conversations. But she thinks he is too handsome for her to go out with. So she sometimes thinks of giving up on him, but eventually tries hard to attract his attention with some advice from her friends.
    While Bridget is struggling for Daniel, her mother is thinking of leading an independent life away from Bridget’s father, which makes her less self-confident. And she found that now she is looking after her parents, instead of them looking after her like before. When Daniel acts like he doesn’t care about her at all, she feels nervous and at last tells him that she is annoyed. Though Daniel suggests a few things to Bridget, she tells herself that she is not in love with him anymore and is free. At that time she feels happy to succeed in losing weight, but she gets down because everybody tells she looks pinched with stress.


    資料の原本内容 ( この資料を購入すると、テキストデータがみえます。 )

    Bridget Jones’s Diary Helen Fielding
    ◆Brief Summary
    Bridget Jones’s Diary is a novel in the style of a Diary written by a woman named Bridget Jones. Bridget is in her thirties and still single. Her Diary starts with New Year’s Resolutions, which are so close and somewhat attainable. Her family and relatives think it's a shame that she is still single, so they try desperately to motivate her to marry someone (for example, they introduced a man named Mark Darcy to her), which makes her frustrated....


