連関資料 :: Security


  • How did the Bolsheviks made their rule more secure?
  • How did the Bolsheviks made their rule more secure? The Bolsheviks made their rule secure in many ways. However, I think mainly there were 3 main factors, which made the Bolsheviks’ rule more secure. Those factors are “dealing with opposition”, “support from the people” and the “Red Army’s strength”. First, the Bolsheviks tried hard to remove their opposition. They banned other parties and all newspapers were censored. Moreover, some leaders of other political parties were arrested. The Bolsheviks removed every possible opposition. Even the Tsar and his family were killed. There was an organization called “Cheka”, it was a secret police that arrest and kill opponents. Next, the Bolsheviks tried to get support from Russian people by bringing Russia out of the war. Consequently, by the treaty of Brest-Litovsk, Russia gave up many lands to Germany, but what Bolsheviks focused on were not lands, they tried to get support from the Russian people by showing “building peace” not “fight in war”. Then Lenin appealed a Peace, Bread and Land to the Russian public. And also the Bolsheviks thought about the lower classes. The workers and peasants at this time were still in very poor and bad conditions. So the to change this situation, working hours are reduced to 8-hour per day. And the land taken from the tsar and nobles and given it to the peasants. And third, there were civil war. The Bolsheviks seized power by the coup d’état.
  • レポート 史学 ボルシェビキ 歴史 方法
  • 550 販売中 2005/07/19
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