

    • ページ数 : 2ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


    題材:Old Joe and his wife live near Miami. It is a nice place for old people. Their son George and his wife live in a small city in the north of Florida. They have three children. All of them of ten come and stay at Joe’s house on weekends. 「George’s daughter Helen is nine years old. Helen is older than her brother Tom. He is seven years old. His brother Jim is a year younger than Tom. Helen is the oldest of the three. The children swim well for their age. Tom swims better than his sister. Jim swims as well as Helen. Tom swims best of the three.」(From revised New Star English, Kairyudo)※「 」部分
    時間/項目 学習活動及び指導上の留意点
    本時の課題を提示 (学習活動)
    [教師]・「Helen is nine years old. Helen is older than Tom. Jim is a year younger than Tom.」と板書して、「3人の中で一番年上は誰か」という発問をする。
    Chorus reading (学習活動)
    [教師]・解答文を板書する。「Helen is the oldest of the three.」(前述の板書の下に)

    資料の原本内容 ( この資料を購入すると、テキストデータがみえます。 )

    題材:Old Joe and his wife live near Miami. It is a nice place for old people. Their son George and his wife live in a small city in the north of Florida. They have three children. All of them of ten come and stay at Joe’s house on weekends. 「George’s daughter Helen is nine years old. Helen is older than her brother Tom. He is seven years old. His brother Jim is a year younger than Tom. Helen is the oldest of the three. The children swim well for their age. Tom swims better than his sister. Jim swi...


