連関資料 :: ITS


  • It's Gettin' Hot in Here!
  • It's Gettin' Hot in Here! Presented by : ECOSCI The Academy of Mt. St. Ursula Global Warming – What is it? Rise in earth’s temperature Results from changes in the natural environment Caused by too much carbon dioxide The Greenhouse Effect Solar radiation from the Sun reaches the Earth’s atmosphere The surface of the Earth absorbs most of the short-rayed insolation and later releases this heat in the form of infrared radiation into the atmosphere. Some of the heat is absorbed by particles known as “greenhouse gases.” The heat retained by the gases acts as a “heat blanket.” The Greenhouse Effect Without With Burning of fossil fuels The burning of fossil fuels releases Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. In the past 150 years, burning fossil fuels has caused a 25 % increase in Carbon dioxide emissions. Carbon dioxide Burning of fossil fuels In the last 200 years: Nitrous oxide has increased 17%. Methane has increased 150%!! CO2 | NH4 | N20 The Ties Between Sardines & Global Warming The over-hunting of sardines has caused higher levels of phytoplankton in the ocean. While living, phytoplankton release oxygen into the atmosphere and use Carbon for photosynthesis When they die, their decay releases large amounts of methane and the poisonous gas, hydrogen sulfide. It also uses large amounts of oxygen. Sardines & Global Warming (Cont.) Methane is 21 times more effective than carbon dioxide in maintaining heat in the atmosphere. This results in the deaths of numerous marine animal
  • global warming
  • 全体公開 2007/12/26
  • 閲覧(1,770)