hotcocoaさんの資料 / タグ / レポート


  • 北海道の観光産業
  • 私は、北海道の観光革命についてもう少し深く掘り下げてみようと考えた。授業では、?オーストラリアのニセコブーム、?豪夫婦のニセコでのビジネス、?台湾最大企業と手を組んだ、ホテル支配人の3点についてビデオを見ながら学んだ。小泉政権が掲げるビジットジャパンキャンペーンの...
  • 550 販売中 2006/08/15
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  • 婚姻の成立について
  • [一]婚姻の成立 ・実質的要件:婚姻意思の合致、婚姻障害事由の不存在(731〜737) ・形式的要件:届出(739) 1.実質的要件に関する問題 (1)婚姻意思の合致が必要か 婚姻意思が必要であることについては明文がないが、742条1号が間接的に規定しているとされる。 (2...
  • 550 販売中 2006/08/15
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  • 私の週末
  • My usual weekend Generally speaking, most of students like me will spend their weekends cheerfully and happily. The reason why they make their weekends enjoyable is their schooldays are entirely the cramming system of studying. Suppose, for instance, stude...
  • 550 販売中 2006/08/15
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  • キューバ危機について
  • The Special period in Cuba In the text, Eulina wanted both her children to attend university but said many things aren’t possible in the current economic climate. I really wandered what the current economic climate is. Author described it was caused by speci...
  • 550 販売中 2006/08/15
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  • 私のふるさとと人と仲良くなる方法
  • My hometown, Ebetsu city, is a college town. Three universities are there, Sapporo Gakuin University, Asai Gakuen University and Rakuno Gakuen University. In total, approximately 15000 students study there.
  • 550 販売中 2006/08/15
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  • 私のはじめての犬
  • My first pet (rewrite) When I was eight, my parents gave me a wonderful present for my birthday. It was a lovely puppy. I had stuffed animals, especially doggies, and I played with them every day. Therefore, my parents realized that I wanted a pet dog as my f...
  • 550 販売中 2006/08/15
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  • 強制結婚について
  • A Forced marriage A forced marriage is that someone is made to have against his/her willed. In other words, there is no choice for those involved. There is the deference between a forced marriage and an arranged marriage. A forced marriage is that the peo...
  • 550 販売中 2006/08/15
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  • religion and violence
  • Almost all religious traditions are so closely associated with violence. For example, Buddhism and Jainism are religions founded on the principle of compassion and nonviolence towards all beings. Islam and Judaism that highlight justice and peace reject the us...
  • 550 販売中 2006/08/15
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  • オーストラリアの移民政策
  • Migration in post WW2 Australia As you know, the White Australia policy had been a guiding tenet of Australian immigration in the C20th. The first act of the new Federation was the Immigration Restriction act of 1901. This meant that Kanakas, black labourers ...
  • 550 販売中 2006/08/15
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  • 英語の効果的勉強法
  • Description English is a world common language. Almost all countries introduced compulsory English education because the more and more society demands us to speak, read, write, and listen in English. EAP is an abbreviation of English for Academic Purpose. Thi...
  • 550 販売中 2006/08/15
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  • religion and violence
  • The main issues of the problem of evil are that whether or not God is not perfectly omnipotent as far as there is evil in the world and the goodness of Him (Murray, 2000). “If God is morally perfect, then God has the desire to eliminate all evil” (Tooley, 20...
  • 550 販売中 2006/08/15
  • 閲覧(969)
