Importance of Socialization with American Culture and Its Strategies


    • ページ数 : 7ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


    How can international students succeed in overseas college life? Together with the increase number of overseas students in the US, this question has been in the spotlight of the research (Ying, 2003, p.2, para.1). Following that, this paper tries to find salient elements that lead international students for successful overseas college life.
    Needed first is to define what we mean by “success” in college life. According to Yu-Wen Ying’s definition (2003), characteristics of successful international students fall into two categories: good quality of abroad life and academic achievement (p.1, para.1). The former covers covert assessment such as mental satisfaction, and latter deals with overt evaluation of students such as GPA. Also, Ying (2003) postulates the possibility of correlation between mental status and academic performance of international students (p.6, para.2). In accordance with this indication, this study includes both the two key elements for students’ life to be called successful.
    Preceding research already shows that language proficiency more or less alters academic erformance. Ying (2003) acknowledges those studies on elationship between English proficiency and academic achievement that “the international students’ academic performance was significantly predicted by better English writing skills” (p.1, para.1). However, Stoynoff (1997) adds to the assumption that when language proficiency comes to above a particular level, it becomes mere a tiny factor for academic achievement;

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    Importance of Socialization with American Culture and Its Strategies
    How can international students succeed in overseas college life? Together with the increase number of overseas students in the US, this question has been in the spotlight of the research (Ying, 2003, p.2, para.1). Following that, this paper tries to find salient elements that lead international students for successful overseas college life.
    Needed first is to define what we mean by "success" in college life. Accor...


