《 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland》
The Disney series following last time☆
It is possible to read by throwing the word that doesn't understand either when it is a known story. Therefore, it is possible to read forgetting gripping the story of the talk easily, and writing in English smoothly.
I like this story very much. I have known this story since small time.I like rabbit's character in this story.
The world in Alice's dream was very attractive in the image in the book.
I want also to do such an adventure.
Today I would like to talk about sports in Germany
The Germans play a lot of sports. For example soccer, tennis ,and motor sports. About 50 years ago, the government planned a policy called “gold plan”. The purpose of the plan was to promote sports to increase health consciousness among the citizen. . A lot of leisure parks were constructed by the government. Sports clubs were built in most cities and people of all ages could enjoy using the facilities .
ドイツのではさまざまなスポーツが行われています。例えば、サッカー、テニス、ゴルフ、motor sport、Winterport、などです。ドイツ(当時西ドイツ)では、今からおよそ50年前、病気にならないための健康づくりを目的に、「ゴールデンプラン」をいう計画を立て、15年という長い歳月をかけて遊び場やレジャー施設、スポーツ施設をつくり、スポーツ環境の充実を図りました。それぞれの街(each city)には人口に合った規模のスポーツクラブができ、子供から高齢者までが生涯を通じてスポーツを楽しむ環境が広がりました。これによって、ドイツのスポーツ人口は飛躍的に増え、医療費も大幅に削減されたといいます。
ドイツでのサッカーはとても人気のあるスポーツです。ドイツサッカーは100年以上の歴史を持ち、国民的スポーツとして定着しています。German people love this sport .soccer is a National sports like sumo for the Germanドイツ代表はFIFAワールドカップでは W杯出場回数:15回中3度の優勝(旧西ドイツ時代)と4度の準優勝を誇る。2006年(next year)には2度目のFIFAワールドカップ開催が予定されている。
These four characters, written downwards, are shown on the right side in the 'stiff' form, which approximates the printed form, and which is the one learnt at school .The middle column shows the same characters in cursive 'running' style, which is slightly loosened, and the left-hand column shows the same characters in the abbreviated 'grass' form.
上から下に書かれたこれら4つの文字は, 楷書体の右側がおおむね印刷に使用されるものであり、学校で習う書体でもある。中央は同じ漢字だが、行書という、楷書を少し崩した書体である。左側は同じ漢字を簡略化した草書体で書いたものだ。
The characters have also turned out to have certain advantages, because girls trained in them in effect receive an advanced training in manual dexterity and pattern recognition. One reason why Japan could make rapid advance in micro-electronics was that there was an already partially trained (and highly educated) labor force which could pickup the method of assembling transistors under microscopes.
The girl has learnt to give way to a boy, and this will continue till she gets married, when she will come to have power in the home unless her husband’s mother lives with them; this may happen when she has married an eldest son, and is most girls’ idea of Hell.