Kanako Sakai 2-X-X Eifuku, Suginami-ku Tokyo 168-0064 Home: 03-3333-XXXX Mobile: 090-1234-XXXX OBJECTIVE: To secure an Assistant position to executive officers. WORK EXPERIENCE: 1999 - present International Conference Services Interpreter / Receptionist Tokyo *
Translated English and Japanese at 25 international trade shows.
Provided foreign participants with various information at the information center in 10 international academic conferences.
July 1999 International Student Club (ISU) Summer Camp Volunteer Group Leader Chiba *
Facilitated activities in a group of 10 high school students from Japan, Australia and New Zealand.
EDUCATION: Expected March 2001 Meio University B.A. in English Literature Tokyo CERTIFICATION: Secretarial Proficiency Test 2nd level (May 1999) SKILLS: Computer Skills: MS-Word, Ichitaro English Proficiency: TOEIC 700 (September 1999)