連関資料 :: Introduction


  • Agentsoft Company Introduction: China
  • Company Overview (Last updated Jun., 2007) Our mission is "the Integration of Global Knowledge." By integrating knowledge scattered throughout the world our users can finally access and utilize it. AgentSoft's mission "The Integration of Global Knowledge" has a two-step. As a first step, we need to create regional marketplaces that gather knowledge from the regional users. The second step for "The Integration of Global Knowledge" is establishing the worldwide marketplace between regional knowledge marketplaces. The worldwide marketplace enables the knowledge to move from one regional marketplace to others. Beijing AgentSoft Information Technology Co., Ltd. is the company that AgentSoft invested in China. Our company mainly conducts www.happycampus.com.cn. Now, our website already attracted more than 2.5 million users and gathered 105,000 documents. We, with happycampus.com of Korean and Japan, are committed together, to build up the regional knowledge market. Everyday, there are so many people who want to become our members and as a result we will have different kind of data on our website to share with our users. AgentSoft obtained priceless knowledge and know-how by creating and managing Korean, Chinese and Japanese marketplace, and this knowledge is ready for transfer to our new marketplaces. By transferring our knowledge and know-how to rest of the worldwide marketplaces, we truly believe that our mission "The Integration of Global Knowledge" is finally accomplished. Comp
  • agentsoft china introduction
  • 全体公開 2007/11/15
  • 閲覧(1,989)
  • Agentsoft Company Introduction: Korea
  • Company Overview (Last updated Aug., 2005) Our mission is "The Integration of Global Knowledge" By integrating knowledge scattered throughout the world our users can finally access and utilize it. AgentSoft's mission "The Integration of Global Knowledge" has a two-step. As a first step, we need to create regional marketplaces that gather knowledge from the regional users, for example, www.happycampus.com for Korean users and www.happycampus.com.cn for Chinese users. We knew that the regional marketplace is the most effective method to extract knowledge sleeping in personal computers or desk drawers. We believed that any kind of valuable knowledge can have a price. As you can see HappyCampus.com has more than 2 million users and 1.8 million documents or digital products. The second step for "The Integration of Global Knowledge" is establishing the worldwide marketplace between regional knowledge marketplaces. The worldwide marketplace enables the knowledge to move from one regional marketplace to others. For example, knowledge in www.happycampus.com (written in Korean) can be translated into Chinese for www.happycampus.com.cn. As a result of 5 year endless challenges and endeavors, HappyCampus.com has become the biggest knowledge marketplace in Korea. In the meantime we set up the marketplace for Chinese and Japanese users. In addition, we are planning to set up Taiwan and Spanish marketplace in this year. Our marketplaces will expand the regions continuously. AgentSoft obtain
  • agentsoft company introduction korea
  • 全体公開 2007/11/15
  • 閲覧(1,748)
  • Agentsoft Company Introduction: Japan
  • Japanese Version Overview (Last updated Feb., 2009) www.happycampus.co.jp started as a Japanese version of www.happycampus.com on Dec. 15, 2004. As you can see, the mother site www.happycampus.com is a good example of knowledge marketplace where millions of documents are being shared or traded between millions of users since Jun. 2000. But Japanese version has been adapting to Japanese Internet environment since its beginning and now that it became to have a little different service feature. Not
  • agentsoft company introduction japan
  • 全体公開 2007/11/15
  • 閲覧(1,851)
  • Brief Introduction To Basic Concepts Of Tibetan Buddhism
  • BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO BASIC CONCEPTS OF "TIBETAN" BUDDHISM Copyright © 2003 Philip and Marcia R. Lieberman http://dl.lib.brown.edu/BuddhistTempleArt/buddhism.html There are books, too numerous to mention, that relate the story of the historic Buddha, Prince Gautama Shakyamuni, and explain his teachings and the basic concepts of the spiritual insight that he attained. Buddhism comprises three major branches or schools, which, despite differences in emphasis and focus, are based on the Buddha's fundamental precepts and teachings.
  • Tibet Buddhism チベット 仏教
  • 全体公開 2008/12/10
  • 閲覧(1,663)