

  • ブランド寿命とブランドマネージメント
  • Can Brands Live forever and When Do Brands Die? with case study of TOYOTA Motors Co.Ltd. By Yasuhiro Naruse Introduction Brand management nowadays become one of the first concern for a company to obtain successful operation from any merchandising scale t...
  • 550 販売中 2010/05/23
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  • 栄養ドリンク市場概括
  • Yasuhiro Naruse Report about Energy Drink” Yasuhiro Naruse 1 Overview of the product category Market for “Energy drink product is getting expanded more and more recently, and more products are being developed along with the trend of consumption. Expans...
  • 550 販売中 2010/05/23
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  • 幸福な従業員
  • 1 Yasuhiro Naruse “Happy employees are productive employees ”?. 2 • Link between Happy and Productivity There are strong arguments about the relationship between productivity and happiness (The definition of happiness are described as, a state of mind...
  • 550 販売中 2010/05/23
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  • 栄養ドリンク市場における消費者行動パターンの変化
  • A study of motives and needs , and consumption fashions in Energy D rink consumption as consumer behaviour -The rise of new consumption style - Yasuhiro Naruse 1 Table of Contents 1. Introduction..............................................................
  • 550 販売中 2010/05/23
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  • オンライン脅威
  • Online security threats - An analysis of past, recent and future developments of online security threats and their Implications for E-Marketing Name: Yasuhiro Naruse pg. 1 Abstract / Background The significance of E marketing strategy is become larger...
  • 550 販売中 2010/05/23
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  • オンラインマーケティングツール
  • Possibility for the third-world entrepreneurs to seek and satisfy customers on a global scale with “Online marketing tools” Name: Yasuhiro Naruse LD206 Yasuhiro Naruse 1 Introduction Marketing is the essential methodology to advertise products and stim...
  • 550 販売中 2010/05/23
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  • 日清カップヌードル
  • 1 -NISSIN Cup Noodle: “Freedom Project” Advertisement Campaign - Name: Yasuhiro Naruse 2 Introduction: history of the company and the product Thankful to the globalization, we can find every kind of food product in restaurant, supermarket, or even in o...
  • 550 販売中 2010/05/23
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  • 貿易自由化とグローバライゼーション
  • Yasuhiro Naruse Examination of Trade liberalisation in globalization 1. Introduction Ideas of trade liberalisation has been discussed and examined for a long time. Of those concepts has been con certed mainly by developed country, and developing country r...
  • 550 販売中 2010/05/23
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  • キャピタリズムの起源と諸問題
  • Outline and assess the main analytical issues arising out of an investigati on of the origins of capitalism Name: Yasuhiro Naruse Introduction Capitalism has transformed its structure, definition and style since it was developed . Sometimes gently and som...
  • 550 販売中 2010/05/23
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  • ブランド戦略論評
  • A Methodological Critique of “effects of branding strategy” Yasuhiro Naruse Introduction Branding strategy is nowadays taking significant role in marketing communication . However, theories, presumptions, and even definition vary in this field of study ...
  • 550 販売中 2010/05/23
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  • NTTdocomo戦略研究
  • An analysis of branding strategy of the Japanese mobile phone company Case study of NTT Docomo By Yasuhiro Naruse Yasuhiro Naruse, Graduate Diploma, 2009 I Abstract Nowadays, branding strategy has become priority in marketing. There is a numerous numb...
  • 550 販売中 2010/05/23
  • 閲覧(638)
