連関資料 :: a


  • How do people act differently in a group?
  •  I have been very interested to know how people interact in a group. Sometimes I find myself acting differently when I am with one person than when I am with a group of two or more people. After I learned about the functions of groups for a person during class, I was curious to know people in a group. I observed how people interact with others in a group putting emphasis on things such as “who would be a leader in a group” and “what would be different when the size of a group gets bigger.”  To find out what kind of influence a group has on people, I did observations mostly in the cafeteria and partially in the food court of the Mall. A maximum of eight people can sit at one table in the cafeteria. However, up to six people sit at one table. The food court is around that number. Since people sit wherever and with whomever they want to both in the cafeteria and in the food court and enjoy talking over their meals, those are great places to see how people interact with other people. Participants of this observation are people who came to eat food in the cafeteria and food court. They are both males and females. In the cafeteria, people’s ages mostly tended to be younger, but in the food court, the ages ranged from the young to the elderly.  People enjoy talking while they are eating their meals; however, when people in a group are not very intimate, the situation is a little different. They are likely to have less conversation. Such a situation is probably uncomfortable for many people, and people try to break the uncomfortable atmosphere. Observing them carefully, most of the time, there is one person who leads the group.
  • レポート 社会学 リーダー 責任分散 グループ
  • 550 販売中 2005/11/25
  • 閲覧(1,333)
  • 発達と学習  日本大学 通信 合格 評価A
  • 学習に対する内発的動機づけの重要性について論述せよ。また、やる気を強めるために大切だと考えられることを研究例をあげて説明せよ。 動機づけ(モチベーション)とは、人間や動物の行動を一定の方向に向けて生起させ、持続・調整させる過程や機能の全般のことをさす。人間を含めた動物が行動を起こすのには何らかの動機(欲求、要求)が存在するのである。この動機を満たすためには、結果(目標)に到達できるよう、どんな行動をすればよいのかを考えて行動(手段的行動)することになる。動機は、「~したい、~なりたい」という心の内面から湧き上がってくる感情である。手段的行動とは「こうすれば」という方法であり、そして「こうなる」という結果(目標)を見すえて、それが実際の行動へとなり表面化してくる。動機づけとは、「動機(欲求、要求)→手段的行動→結果(目標)」という一連の流れの部分(実際の行動に至るまでの部分)である。
  • 動機 学習 行動 人間 原因 課題 能力 生徒 方法 目標 日本大学 通信 発達と学習 モチベーション 内発的動機 外発的動機 ワイナー 日大 発達
  • 550 販売中 2010/04/25
  • 閲覧(2,215)