Please refer to this manual together with the “ATAPI Interface Drive User’s Guide” in the attached Software
CD-ROM, which carries more detailed information.
Reportez-vous au présent manuel ainsi qu'aux documents intitulés “ATAPI Interface Drive Guide de
l'utilisateur” contenu sur le CD-ROM accompagnant ce produit pour plus de détails.
Einzelheiten entnehmen Sie bitte diesem Handbuch zusammen mit der “Betriebsanleitung für das ATAPI-
Schnittstellenlaufwerk” auf der mitgel
Who is the richest business man in the world? Or who is the person that always in a ranking list of millionaires? I believe everybody can answer this question. Yes, it is “Bill Gates”. He was born 1955 in Seattle, and founded Microsoft in 1975. I can say he is reputable person. In this report, I give a definition of leaders from an example of Bill Gates.
First of all, Leaders do have clear vision, and can inform people on it. At any time they can present their company “should aim, should shape, and want to be”. Bill Gates had these visions clearly, so staffs followed him, when he started Microsoft.
President Bush announced how Iraq is going to establish a democratic nation by themselves with support from the United States and some other nations in his speech given on January 10th, 2007. The President mentioned some constitutional ideas. Constitutional ideas are not only important in Iraq but also in other countries. I am going to name two constitutional ideas that the President discussed applying current political and social situations in Iraq.
The first constitutional idea the President discussed was making a constitution and clarifying a process of proposing amendments. President Bush indicated about reforming de-Baathification laws for Iraq's constitution. The sovereign by the Baath Party had ended. The old de-Baathification laws were no longer suitable for the new government of Iraq. The constitution is the supreme law in a country so that immediate changes are required in order to make a strong and stable government. The importance of a constitution is that it gives people what are goals for the nation and for where the nation is headed. Iraqi people need a clear vision of the "new" country. Establishing a fair process for considering amendments is necessary as well. If people and politicians are free to change their constitution, what would be the standard in a country?
The second constitutional idea is the system of the federalism. President Bush stated that the Iraqi government plans to hold provincial elections later the year of 2007 to empower local leaders. G