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  • 優・A評価が取れるレポート・論文の書き方
  • 学生の方は学校の課題などでレポートなど論文を書かれる機会が多いと思います。高校までとは違い,様々な授業で試験の代わりにレポート課題が課されることが,多々あることと思います。  その際,問題となるのが,(日本では高校までレポート・作文指導がほとんどありませんから)どうやって書けばいいのか,そしてどのように書けば良い評価が得られるのか,ということです。ここではこのことについて,東大生としての筆者の経験や教授たちからの聞き取りをもとに詳細かつ具体的に書きます。これが皆様の役に立てれば何よりの幸いです。
  • レポート 評価 問題 大学 課題 高校 言葉 研究 意識 学生 論文 A評定
  • 880 販売中 2010/02/08
  • 閲覧(13,733) 1
  • Japan should abolish a death penalty system.
  •  Japan should abolish a death penalty system.I show three reasons about it.  The first reason is that we can never ignore a global thought.Convention on abolition of the death penalty was adopted in the United Nations General Assembly in 1989,and went to the direction where most of a democracy nation abolished a death penalty system. And it became only Japan and U.S.A. to continue death penalty in developed counties. This is clearly against a flow of the global ideas. There is not a right to take away life of a person even a nation.It is assumed that many world countries are right for this thought. Even the power of the state, murder is evil.  The second reason is that there is possibility of a misjudgment of death penalty. Death penalty is the punishment that retrieval is impossible literally.Even if a misjudgment becomes clear after the punishment execution,the release such as a sentence of prison is impossible. Naturally it must not have even one case.if we can reduce a misjudgment by death penalty by the abolition of death penalty,It is a very important thing.In other words, Possibility of death penalty by misjudgment should be not almost zero but absolutely zero.Former Supreme Court judge DANNDOU SIGEMITU describes in "Japanese point at issue 93" as follows,  "There must not be misjudgment about death penalty".It is not the thing which I felt,but the thing which should be never permitted.I think so human dignity and personal dignity.
  • レポート 社会学 死刑廃止 犯罪 英語 冤罪
  • 550 販売中 2005/12/27
  • 閲覧(2,855)