連関資料 :: a


  • Discuss attitudes towards Health & Illness as a practising nurse
  • The role of a nurse is to improve people’s health and to help their recovery from illness. In order to understand how to improve people’s health, it is crucial to make clear the concept of health and illness and how attitude has an influence on them. The belief that an individual’s health can be improved by a change in behaviour is based on the assumption that certain specific attitudes or behaviours are better for health. The word “Health” is derived from the same root as “whole”, reflecting the traditional idea that a healthy person is someone who exists in a state of equilibrium of mind, body and spirit; when this equilibrium is disturbed then the health of the individual is impaired. It is not just the absence of disease and ill-health, but the psychological disturbance can be just as real to her or him as physical suffering. In general, people see health in relative terms. It is also judgemental and varies from person to person, which has to do with their attitude. Attitude is a mental and neutral state of readiness, organized through experience, which applies directive and dynamic influence upon the individual’s response to people, objects and situations. (Allport, 1935) Therefore it is necessary to investigate how both patients and nurses’ attitudes correlate to illness and have an influence on preventing and aiding recovery.
  • レポート 心理学 心理的影響 態度 看護
  • 550 販売中 2006/05/24
  • 閲覧(1,202)
  • 【日大通信】スピーチコミュニケーション1【A判定合格レポート】
  • 日大通信、スピーチコミュニケーション1のA判定合格レポートです。問題文が英文なので英語が苦手な方や英語がお得意でもレポートを作るのが苦手な方等、是非資料としてご利用ください。 The purpose of your report is to show that you have studied the text book. Below you can see information about5 different situations. For each situation, read the information and then write a conversation that you think the people (sometimes you are one of them) might have in that situation. Do the do the same for all of the situations. You must write 5 conversations in all. Each conversation must be 80~100 words long(no more, no less). In each conversation that you write you must use 3 phrases or expressions taken from your textbook.(Do not use more than3!). Please underline the phrases that you use and write the textbook page number above your writing. Situations 1.You are in Kyoto. You introduce some sightseeing spots on your American friend. 2.You visit your British friend who has a newborn baby. 3.You go to hospital with Mary. 4.You are talking about movies or dramas with your friend. 5.You telephone John about tomorrow’s schedule. 1.A: Could you introduce famous sightseeing spots in Kyoto? B: Why not!! How long do you plan to stay here?
  • 日大通信 スピーチコミュニケーション スピーチコミュニケーション1 A判定合格レポート
  • 550 販売中 2013/11/08
  • 閲覧(2,356)
  • 【東京福祉大学】 1186 法学(憲法を含む) 評価A
  • 【設題1】憲法の定める自由権(特に精神的自由)について述べよ。 精神的自由の意義とは、何人からも束縛されない自由な考えである。加えて、憲法の定める自由権とは人が生まれながらにしてもっている自由な個人としての権利である。自由権を大別すると思想・良心の自由、信教の自由、学問の自由、表現の自由に分けられ、それぞれについて本レポートで論述する。 思想・良心の自由では、憲法第19条は「思想及び良心の自由は、これを侵してはならない」と定めている。憲法第19条は、個人の内面的精神の自由を保障したものである。しかし、個人の思想が出版活動等によって外部に公表される場合には、公序良俗を乱さないため、また、他の個人の人権を侵害しないために、法的な制限をされる場合もある。
  • 憲法 福祉 人権 宗教 自由 学校 大学 思想
  • 220 販売中 2017/06/23
  • 閲覧(2,127)