連関資料 :: a


  • The Day a Week Starts
  • The Day a Week Starts I attended the Jewish Friday Sabbath service at the Temple Israel in Omaha at 7:30 pm on Friday, November 11th. The congregation of this temple is the Reform; therefore, the beliefs of worshipers are more liberal than other Jewish congregations. During the service on that day, people sung, the Rabbi talked, a guest speaker from university gave a lecture, and a lady was converted. After the service, some people moved to the different room to get together and had some conversation over refreshments. The building of temple is described as plain, but it has elegant characteristics. Inside the temple was not very much decorated with arts, but there were many worded remembrances of Jewish history and beliefs on the walls. There was a section where many goods which were made in various times of history were displayed. Compared to the Asian religious places that I know of, Temple Israel looked very different. If I express some of the Asian religious places as a strong, dignified places, it is rather simple but elegant: with the white-based walls and colorful stained glass in the higher parts of side walls. There were three statue-looking objects in bright colors behind the see-through curtain at the very front of the room. I did not know what they were called, but they looked that they were sacredly kept. They were taken out during the service. My impression of the service for worshipers was to share a meaningful time with other worshipers and to gain better un
  • レポート 哲学 ユダヤ教 サバス ヘブライ語 儀式
  • 550 販売中 2006/11/26
  • 閲覧(1,729)
  • A009第一課題
  • このレポートは、聖徳大学通信教育課程・科目「生活と科学Ⅱ」にて、すでに合格をいただいたものです。 2022年度課題。 〈課題名〉 第1章から第5章にわたって、科学的な見方や考え方を学ぶが、人間は科学技術を発達させてきたおかげで、大変便利な生活を営めるようになった。しかし、その陰では環境問題など、犠牲にしてきたものも多いはずである。人間が地球環境に大きな負荷をかけることなく生活していくためにはどうしたら良いか。この点についてあなたの考えを具体的に記しなさい。 〈評価〉 B 〈講評〉 この課題では、①地球に与えてきた負荷によりどんな環境問題が発生しているか…②今後これ以上悪化させないために、ひとりひとりがどんな対策をすることが必要か…を考えるべきですが、レポートの4ページにいくつか答えているので、評価します。 〈参考文献〉 書名:生活の科学Ⅱ 著者名:木下昭一 出版社:聖徳大学通信教育部 発行年月日:平成13年4月1日
  • 学校 科学 人間 自然 技術 地球 テレビ 生活 動物 理科
  • 1,100 販売中 2023/05/18
  • 閲覧(557)