複合名詞の例としはboyfriend bookdase,car prk comic bookなどがあげられる。
複合代名詞の例としては each student, every student no one などがあげられる。
複合形容詞の例としては、warm-heartedcold-heartedfull-lippedpuffy-eyed a bormb-sniffingなどがあげられる。
複合動詞の例としては、understand"、"forget"、"become"、"forgive e welcomeなどがあげられる。
次の設問にテキストの内容にそって英文で答えてください。 1.What does the author think that one should not do if he wants to become fluent in English? 2.What made the author frustrated after paying the bill? 3.What dose an old friend of the author's do? 4.What kind of problems is the author pointing out with regard to the Japanese people and their clothes? 5.Whose black literary works are now being studied in Japanese universities?
Outher says that one should not replace it with Japanese.
The first step is to reali