Xenophobic Japanese


    • ページ数 : 2ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


    The Japanese have many different feelings toward foreigners. Some people like foreigners, while others dislike foreigners. In this report, I would like to examine xenophobic Japanese.
    Many Japanese people seem to have a gaijin (foreigner) complex. I would like to verify the historical background of its gaijin complex. During the Edo era, Japan closed itself off from the outside world. This policy was called sakoku, which means to have no relation with other countries.

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    Xenophobic Japanese
    The Japanese have many different feelings toward foreigners. Some people like foreigners, while others dislike foreigners. In this report, I would like to examine xenophobic Japanese. I would like to examine the reason why the Japanese dislike foreigners. Also, I would like to examine that Japanese like foreign culture. At first, I refer to a gaijin complex. I explain it historically. Then, I describe ambivalence. Finally, I mention my opinion.
    Many Japanese people seem to ha...


