Captive Indian インディアンに囚われた白人


    • ページ数 : 11ページ
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    In early American history, Indian was considered as barbarous and brute. They had not been referred as significant existence of American history., Some settlers, however , had an affiliation with Indian such as John Smith and Pokaontas’ marriage is well known. In fact, many people both Indians and the settlers were captured during the wars which occurred between Indians and European settlers. Among those captives, the white people from Europe were called Indian Captive, and the stories written by them later are called “Indian Captive Narratives”.

    ? .Three Period of Indian Captive Narrative
    By 1870s, more than 500 Indian Captive Narratives were published and read like as a novel. The characteristic of those stories are connected with the background of the time, and they can be classified into 3 periods. First is the narrative published in the beginning of the colonial period, around late seventeenth century to early eighteenth century. Most of them were written by Puritan living in the New England, so the stories have strong religious taste. The Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson is one of the most well known narratives in this period. In such narratives, puritan think that being Indian Captive shows God’s anger for their neglect of religion and being rescued means God’s mercy and forgiveness. Second is the narrative written through the French and Indian War and American Revolutionary War in the eighteenth century. At that time the colonial war between England and France was getting worse and serious.

    資料の原本内容 ( この資料を購入すると、テキストデータがみえます。 )

    Introduction             …2
    Ⅰ. Three Period of Indian Captive Narrative           …2
    Ⅱ. The Purpose to Capture                   …3
    Ⅲ. The Narrative of Indian Captive               …4
    Ⅳ. The Reality of Indians –from Indian Captive’s point of view- …7
    Ⅴ. Conclusion                        …9
    Notes                              …10
    Bibliography                         …11 Introduction
    In early American history, Indian was considered as barbarous and brute. They had not been referred as sign...


