Should America keep their military bases in Japan?



After the 9.11, a new type of war appeared. It is called “ War against terrorism”. International society has been forced to fight against terrorism. America has gone to war in Afghanistan and Iraq. During these wars, American aircraft carrier sailed to gulf of Persia from Yokosuka, and the Japanese self-defense forces supported them. Because of, Japan-U.S. Security Treaty. In other words, Japan-U.S. alliance. Japan-U.S. Security Treaty was concluded in 1951 and worked against communist party, especially the Soviet Union, in order to defend Japan. After the end of Cold War, Japan-U.S. Security Treaty works until today. Even now it has strong and heavy influence and importance on Japanese politics. For example, as might be expected, diplomacy and national defense. It can be easily found current dispute which to send J.S.D.F to Iraq. This is a typical Japanese diplomatic problem. To focus on the national defense problem, Japan depends on U.S. on many parts. It is natural, because Japan upholds the ninth article of the Constitution. Price to pay to protection from U.S., Japan offers many military bases to U.S. Forces. Japanese national security depends on Japan-U.S. Security Treaty. It is indispensable for present system to defend Japan from other countries. Furthermore American bases in Japan are very significant for American strategy. Japan and U.S. have common interests. If America withdraws their bases in Japan, a new treaty and plan are needed.

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Should America keep their military bases in Japan?
After the 9.11, a new type of war appeared. It is called " War against terrorism". International society has been forced to fight against terrorism. America has gone to war in Afghanistan and Iraq. During these wars, American aircraft carrier sailed to gulf of Persia from Yokosuka, and the Japanese self-defense forces supported them. Because of, Japan-U.S. Security Treaty. In other words, Japan-U.S. alliance. Japan-U.S. Security Treaty was concl...


s05854km 購入
2006/05/24 10:36 (18年9ヶ月前)

