The Need for Saving the Rights of Sexual Minorities from Discrimination


    • ページ数 : 5ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


    The Need for Saving the Rights of Sexual Minorities from Discrimination
    There have been not a few sexual minorities since many years ago, but people have had some bad preconceptions toward sexual minorities or discriminated against them. Even now this tendency exists in the world, and this makes sexual minorities suffer in daily lives. However, sexual minorities have human rights and citizenship, of course, so preconceptions or discrimination toward sexual minorities must be eliminated.
    First of all, there is a need for expression of the history of sexual minorities. According to Altman, in general, sexual minorities made a community in the underground in Europe and America before World War ? (Altman 416). They were greater minorities than now, and ordinary people had no chance to meet a sexual minority. After World War ?, the population of sexual minorities increased in major society (Altman 416), and ordinary people came to have some prejudice about sexual minorities. Now they are living like other people normally, except for being discriminated against.
    In the entire world, there is some discrimination against sexual minorities. One example is laws against sexual minorities. Many countries do not allow same-sex marriage, which is a marriage of a couple who have the same sex each other.


    資料の原本内容 ( この資料を購入すると、テキストデータがみえます。 )

    Formal Outline
    Thesis statement Preconception or discrimination toward sexual minorities must be eliminated
    1. Introduction
    2. Body
    A. Information
    a. Before WWⅡ
    b. After WWⅡ
    B. Discrimination
    a. Laws of countries
    b. Religions
    C. Causes
    a. In the brain
    b. In the genes
    3. Conclusion
    The Need for Saving the Rights of Sexual Minorities from Discrimination
    There have been not a few sexual minorities since many years ago, but people have had some bad preconceptions toward sexual minorities or discrimi...


