Choosing the Suitable Education


    • ページ数 : 2ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


     Higher education provides people with a good and deep quality of sophistication and makes people have broad minds. Getting education makes a big difference in one’s life. Not all people can get higher education because it costs a great deal of money and takes some years; however, it is worth spending money and taking time. Each institution has different systems, characters, fields of studying, and so on. Even though it is different in the same country, it would be more different in institutions overseas. Colleges or universities in the United States and Japan are different in many ways.
     First, in Japan, people place more emphasis on being accepted by a college; on the other hand, in the United States, graduating is more important. In order to make students work word, either getting in college or graduating from college has to be a tough task. In Japan, university admission is based on the score on the standardized tests and/or the entrance examinations each university creates which are done around in January and February. To get a higher score, high school students study like crazy, and many of them go to preparatory schools after school until night beside high school and cram knowledge or formulas as much as they can. They study hard for the entrance examinations, and as a result, they are completely prepared to learn college level courses. The problem is that after students are accepted by college and start their campus life, some students do not work hard. Sometimes they skip class, fall asleep during class, and so on.

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    Choosing the Suitable Education
    Higher education provides people with a good and deep quality of sophistication and makes people have broad minds. Getting education makes a big difference in one's life. Not all people can get higher education because it costs a great deal of money and takes some years; however, it is worth spending money and taking time. Each institution has different systems, characters, fields of studying, and so on. Even though it is different in the same country, it would be...


