Qualities and Traits politicians should have


    • ページ数 : 1ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


     I intend to describe two qualities and traits about what needs to become a politician in Japan and to succeed in fulfilling his or her job.
     First point is the characteristics to interest a person. To get these, I think that activity power and expression power through words are necessary. I thought that activity power and conversation power were necessary to charm a person.
     Second point is the roles or functions that politicians should play. I think that the roles or functions that politicians should play are ability politicians draw up policies and to explain them. Needless to say, a mission of a politician is what draws up a voice of a qualified voter, and come true it as a policy.

    資料の原本内容 ( この資料を購入すると、テキストデータがみえます。 )

    Qualities and Traits politicians should have
    I intend to describe two qualities and traits about what needs to become a politician in Japan and to succeed in fulfilling his or her job.
    First point is the characteristics to interest a person. To get these, I think that activity power and expression power through words are necessary. I thought that activity power and conversation power were necessary to charm a person.
    Second point is the roles or functions that politicians should play. I think t...


