Psycho Film Review


    • ページ数 : 4ページ
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    Director: Alfred Hitchcock
    Actors: Anthony Perkins, Janet Leigh, Vera Miles, John Gavin
    Running Time: 109 minutes
    Rated: Not rated
    Review Writer: Rie Aizawa
     When we hear the name of Alfred Hitchcock, we remember The Birds (1963), Vertigo (1958), and this movie, Psycho (1960). Unlike his other movies, Psycho is black-and-white. This is because he wanted to cushion the shock of the horrible murderous scene for the audience. However, he could make this movie horrible and shocking without color using the technique of the image, wonderful performers, and excellent storytelling. Therefore, Psycho shines brilliantly in the movie history. And that is why I highly recommend this movie, Psycho. Psycho is worth seeing because of its technical aspects, the acting, and the story.
     Psycho is the movie about a man with two characteristics. Marion Crane (Janet Leigh) plunders forty thousand dollars and run away. On her way, she stays with the motel managed by Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins). Staying at Bates Motel, Marion is killed by someone and sunk in the bog with the car and forty thousand dollars. After the private detective, Milton Arbogast (Martin Balsam), is killed in the same way, Marion’s sister, Lila Crane (Vera Miles), and Marion’s lover, Sam Loomis (John Gavin) come to Bates Motel and find Bates’ second characteristic in him.
     In the first place, Hitchcock uses a lot of techniques in Psycho. As I said above, this movie is black-and-white. So we can see only the light and darkness.

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    Form A
    Director: Alfred Hitchcock
    Actors: Anthony Perkins, Janet Leigh, Vera Miles, John Gavin
    Running Time: 109 minutes
    Rated: Not rated
    Review Writer: Rie Aizawa
    When we hear the name of Alfred Hitchcock, we remember The Birds (1963), Vertigo (1958), and this movie, Psycho (1960). Unlike his other movies, Psycho is black-and-white. This is because he wanted to cushion the shock of the horrible murderous scene for the audience. However, he could make this movie horrible and shocking wit...


