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  • ページ数 : 2ページ
  • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


“Hey, what is it!?” “Oh, it is superman!” he came from the planet Krypton. He can lift even a truck and run faster than a train. So he solved many problems and help people alone. He never asks others for help. He is so cool. His companions have only to look at him. However, everyone is not so special. If you were him, could you do everything by yourself? I think many leaders try to be a superman and fail. Now is not the age for superman. Instead, we have to cooperate with others in companies, hospitals or various workplaces. Today leadership is required more and more. So what are the qualities of leaders? Let’s think about it!

When I was in junior high school, I was the president of the brass band club. I thought leaders had to do everything like superman, and I tried. I planned the method of practice, and solved problems in the club alone. But club members didn’t follow me. Instead, they behaved as they liked. Moreover, even the vice president and assistant leaders behaved like that! Oh my goodness. I was a lonely superman!!
One day I couldn’t stand this situation any more and gave a lot of work to the vice president or assistant leaders. What a bad leader! And in fact, I didn’t expect them to carry out the work. I didn’t trust them at all. What a bad leader I was! But something strange happened. They changed and helped me a lot. That inspired all the members.
Finally we all worked very hard and at last made very nice concert.

So, I ask you again. What ability do you think leaders need? We often think that a leader has to work harder, has charisma or considers the total benefit.


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Title Don’t be a lonely leader.
“Hey, what is it!?” “Oh, it is superman!” he came from the planet Krypton. He can lift even a truck and run faster than a train. So he solved many problems and help people alone. He never asks others for help. He is so cool. His companions have only to look at him. However, everyone is not so special. If you were him, could you do everything by yourself? I think many leaders try to be a superman and fail. Now is not the age for superman. Instead, we have to cooper...


