


Home: 043-232-XXXX Mobile: 090-3230-XXXX
Email: yamataro@happycampus.co.jp
Summary of Qualification:
Excellent Project Management skills with SEI/CMM methodology that helped to implement Oracle Applications and lead other IT project efficiently
In depth knowledge and experience of IT management include performance Management, Budget Planning, HR Management and Organization Development
Successfully lead IT department for 6+years. Responsibilities expand from one IT section to 10 people, 3 section IT department
Master of Business Administration - The first campany sponsored MBA degree in Motorola Japan IT organization (Over 100+ associates)
Work Experience:
IT Department Manaegr
Intex Japan (2-Way Radio, Multimedia Network and Broadband Communications Division)
Work Involved:
Deployment Manager for B2B eCommerce system (IIS/XML/ASP)
Japan representative of worldwide B2B eCommerce system project
Project Manager for Supply Chain streamlining project (Oracle Apps)
Coordinate CRM package implementation project (SQL Server/Clarify)
Supervise Business Contingency/Disaster Recovery planning program
Establish Knowledge Management/Sharing system and process
Coordinate Desktop computer upgrade from Windows NT to Win 2000
Launch IT help desk support function
Management Work Involved:
Manage 3 IT groups (8 people) and supporting 150 users in 3 business units. Responsible for Budget planning and maintenance, Performance planning and maintenance, HR management and Organization Development
Conduct quarterly review with top management to align IT activities with business direction
Define IT roadmap as a member of Intex Japan IT Board of Directors
Provide IT management services to other division and affiliate company to help them to launch its own IT department
Introduce Balanced Scorecard performance measurement to IT department
Manage contract with vendors to hire software analyst and help desk support engineer
Increase Customer Satisfaction by implementing B2B eCommerce system to 50+ dealers
Compiled Japan requirements, prioritize it with other regions, and coordinate system delivery with U.S. development team for B2B commerec system
Streamline supply chain processes and saved over $500K distribution cost per year
Other division and affiliate company successfully launch IT department
IT Manager
Intex Japan (2-Way Radio, Paging Product and Network Services Division)
Work Involved:
Sub project manager of Oracle Applications implementation for Supply Chain and Finance processes
Supervise 2-way radio billing system implementation project. Bill and collect monthly cahrges from 200,000+ radios and 20,000+ customers
Facilitate legacy system replacement with in-house developed ordering, shipping and billing application for "Base Radio" business
Supervise Macintosh migration to Windows NT client for over 150 units
Lead Y2K project for IT systems
Supervise Data Warehouse system implementation for Sales and Finance
Original member of Oracle Applications User Group (OAUG) Japan
Management Work Involved:
Conduct quarterly review with senior management to prioritize IT projects
Manage three IT groups (Network, Distribution and Paging). Maintain group and individual performance, budget and organization development.
Member of Intex Japan IT Board Of Directors
Successfully implement Oracle Applications that helps to reduce work forces in distribution and finance department as well as reduce system maintenance cost 30+%
Successfully restructure 2-Way Radio billing system
Outsource collection function to an agency by establishing an interface with their computer system. The system bills and collects monthly radio usage charges from 20,000 clients,200,000+ radios.
150 users migrated to Windows PC desktops from Macintosh smoothly by newly established help desk and user training
Complete Y2K preparation and successfully roll over to the year 2000


