Impractical English


    • ページ数 : 3ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


    Impractical English. I have been feeling this mortification keenly ever since I entered this university. Of all the diverse people I have met here, returnees and students who have studied abroad are the definitely the most influential for my part. Talking with them, I became aware of the fact that I have only lived in Japan and I realize how the outlook I hold today is formed from very limited experience. Moreover, the journalists at the press center I work in seemed truly amazing when they were communicating with people from all over the world in English. Returnees and journalists. They, their views and their English have absolutely changed my world. I yearn to experience the actual English they have learnt from. I want to use English to express myself to people from other countries. I believe because America is a nation consisting of various ethic groups and cultures, I would be able to diversify my horizon and understand different viewpoints. Furthermore, I wish to be an inspiration as well for the people who are not familiar with the country Japan.
    For those reasons, I would like to take this program as an opportunity to work hard on my English skills, to gain confidence in it and to build a foundation for a long term study abroad which has always been one of my objectives.
    Regrettably, I have never gone overseas. Hence, a varied program planning homestays, fieldworks and interactions with the locals is very attractive for me. Not only the classes and lessons but seeing and hearing the foreign atmosphere at first hand will mean a great deal for me.





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    Impractical English
    Impractical English. I have been feeling this mortification keenly ever since I entered this university. Of all the diverse people I have met here, returnees and students who have studied abroad are the definitely the most influential for my part. Talking with them, I became aware of the fact that I have only lived in Japan and I realize how the outlook I hold today is formed from very limited experience. Moreover, the journalists at the press center I work in seemed truly am...


