Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne



Darkness He Found
I have learned that in Young Goodman Brown there is much more than what I at first expect to be written. Almost everything in the story has meaning. All I have to do is try to find the hints and clues which the writer drops and to manage to put them all together. I have to concentrate more than I ever have so that I can interpret the authors meaning and what he might really be trying to convey in the writing. In Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne, I determined that through diverse symbolism, Hawthorne writes of a young man learns that there is darkness in everyone and by getting this knowledge, he is forever changed and becomes to see the world differently. From the very beginning of the story, Hawthorne describes Goodman Brown as a good Puritan who is devoted to his wife 'Faith', whose name he uses like a shield for his soul. At the way of his walk through the woods, Brown runs into the Devil who tries to convert him; this is shown by the Devil's offering of the staff to Brown. The Devil goes on to say that Brown's family has had dealings with evil in the past. Examples seen in the story are the Salem witch trials and the killing of Indian non-combatants. This may be Hawthorne's way of dealing with guilt he might have felt over his own forbears' actions during those times. Brown goes on to say that he could not bear the shame of betraying his faith while the Devil is naming people known and respected by Brown to try to show him that it wouldn't real




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Darkness He Found
I have learned that in Young Goodman Brown there is much more than what I at first expect to be written. Almost everything in the story has meaning. All I have to do is try to find the hints and clues which the writer drops and to manage to put them all together. I have to concentrate more than I ever have so that I can interpret the authors meaning and what he might really be trying to convey in the writing. In Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne, I determined that thro...


