The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allan Poe


    • ページ数 : 2ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


    Interpretation and analysis of The Fall of the House of Usher
    Based on my research, the story was first published in 1839, when Edgar Allan Poe was 30 years old. In that era, the most remarkable event in American society was what we call 'Jacksonian democracy'. The president Andrew Jackson might have given Edgar Allan Poe a great disappointment with a future of the society, for white supremacy covered his policies. It is famous that he passed the Indian Removal Act and made Cherokee out from their native land. Also there was no protection or respect toward black people as you can find in the fact that slavery was still a fundamental social structure in the South of the era. I thought Poe wanted to give Americans a warning which shows the black future to them. Explaining in detail, he wanted to say that America will be collapsed if white Americans think that the land of America is belong only to them and the others should be vanished.
    The thing we find easily after reading is that The Fall of the House of Usher can be divided into the two parts; reality and illusion. The story begins from reality, and when a nameless narrator gaze down a nearby tarn to the House of Usher the reality turns to illusion, and the illusion goes back to the reality with a collapse of the house into the tarn. If you follow this division, the narrator and the outside of the house represent reality then Roderick, Madeline and the house represent illusion. If we realize 'America' also comes from the pe




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    Interpretation and analysis of The Fall of the House of Usher
    Based on my research, the story was first published in 1839, when Edgar Allan Poe was 30 years old. In that era, the most remarkable event in American society was what we call 'Jacksonian democracy'. The president Andrew Jackson might have given Edgar Allan Poe a great disappointment with a future of the society, for white supremacy covered his policies. It is famous that he passed the Indian Removal Act and made Cherokee out from the...


