The welfare state and the economy of England



Clement Attlee (1883-1967) is the first prime minister from Labour Party (1946) and he established the social security system. He was the leader of this party from 1935 to 1955.
NHS (The National Health Service) is a governmental medical insurance system that the medical treatment expense is free in principle. It has been executed since 1948. The diagnosis was free with NHS, but now it needs little money. You can stay in the hospital, get medicines very cheaply and the doctor will come to your house. People do not abuse NHS system. The doctor of NHS is General Practitioner (GP). They can do something basically, but cannot do specially treatment.
District nurse’s main job is a visit care, such as clean up the house and put a bath. They are employed by DHSS (Department of Health and Social Security).
Meals on Wheels are the service for many people who live alone. Many of them don’t cook. So this service carries the meal to their houses by cars. Near-all worker are volunteer.
School meal is very cheap. 100~150 yen for lunch of 1 day. Education of school is free. Text book too, but if you destroy it, you should pay for it.
The dole is the unemployment money. It was quite high during 1970’s. It was cut by Margaret Hilda Thatcher.
Labour Party is the one of the British 2 biggest parties with Conservative Party. Socialist groups of some labor unions, the Fabian Society and the Independent Labour Party (K. Hardie [1865-1915] set it in 1893.) cooperated and organized the Labor Member association in 1900.

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Clement Attlee (1883-1967) is the first prime minister from Labour Party (1946) and he established the social security system. He was the leader of this party from 1935 to 1955.
NHS (The National Health Service) is a governmental medical insurance system that the medical treatment expense is free in principle. It has been executed since 1948. The diagnosis was free with NHS, but now it needs little money. You can stay in the hospital, get medicines very cheaply and the docto...


