Determine the order of reaction

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  • ページ数 : 3ページ
  • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


The purpose of experiment is to determine the order of reaction with respect to KMnO4. Mix KMnO4 and H2C2O4 then, stir it until color become colorless. It takes some times. Also, this experiment needs to measure the time until color become colorless. In this reaction, there more H+ ions are required. Thus, little amount of strong acid (in this experiment, we used H2SO4) is required.

1. Bring 0.5mol/dm-3 H2C2O4 for about 40-50ml and 0.02mol/dm-3 KMnO4 for about 50-60ml and bring 0.5mol/dm-3 H2SO4 for about 60-70ml and distilled water (bottle).
2. Take 5 ml of H2SO4, H2C2O4 and 15ml of distilled water and 5 ml of KMnO4 by using mess cylinder. (So, total in 30ml)
3. Add 5 ml of KMnO4 then time it, until the color becomes colorless.
4. Try #2 & #3 for 2 more times. (In total, 3 data)
5. Next, increase 5 ml of KMnO4 to 10ml and decrease 5ml of distilled water. (same as 1st solution, total in 30ml).
6. Try #5 for 2 more times. (In total, 3 data)
7. Using the data, determine the order of reaction.

Conclusion & Evaluation
As we can determine from the data, we can say that this experiment was “zero order reaction”. Even we increase the amount of KMnO4, there was no change in time which need to complete the reaction. However, truly, this reaction should be “first order reaction”. So, we can conclude that the our results were completely failed but, we already predicted some errors will occur.

資料の原本内容 ( この資料を購入すると、テキストデータがみえます。 )

Determine the order of reaction of the
Permanganate Oxidation of Oxalic Acid.
The purpose of experiment is to determine the order of reaction with respect to KMnO4. Mix KMnO4 and H2C2O4 then, stir it until color become colorless. It takes some times. Also, this experiment needs to measure the time until color become colorless. In this reaction, there more H+ ions are required. Thus, little amount of strong acid (in this experiment, we used H2SO4) is required.
Bring 0.5mol...


