“Letter from a Freedman to His Old Master”



This article was the most interesting one for me throughout the textbook. It must sound strange because slavery issues were so tensed, but I enjoyed reading what was said in the article. The letter Jourdan Anderson wrote implies how his life was going well compared to the one while he was a slave. Although slavery brought many advantages for people especially in the South, I disagree with the slavery from the perspective of ethics. Whatever reasons, it did not seem right to enslave people against their will.


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Examining the Evidence: "Letter from a Freedman to His Old Master"
This article was the most interesting one for me throughout the textbook. It must sound strange because slavery issues were so tensed, but I enjoyed reading what was said in the article. The letter Jourdan Anderson wrote implies how his life was going well compared to the one while he was a slave. Although slavery brought many advantages for people especially in the South, I disagree with the slavery from the perspective of ethic...


