

    • ページ数 : 1ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


    I was in a position which opposed school uniform in the class and I actually object to it. There are some reasons for that.
    School uniform is not functional. Students rarely wash it while they wear it every day. When they get it dirty, they have to wait until next vacation to take it to the cleaner’s, which is bad for health and purity. Besides, although their body temperature varies, it is difficult to adjust individually.


    資料の原本内容 ( この資料を購入すると、テキストデータがみえます。 )

    About school uniform system 
    I was in a position which opposed school uniform in the class and I actually object to it. There are some reasons for that.
    School uniform is not functional. Students rarely wash it while they wear it every day. When they get it dirty, they have to wait until next vacation to take it to the cleaner's, which is bad for health and purity. Besides, although their body temperature varies, it is difficult to adjust individually. Moreover, it is too tight to move freely, e...


