連関資料 :: a


  • Gender Differences in a Society
  • The article "Think Again: Men and Women Share Cognitive Skills" from the website The Psychology Matters focuses on gender differences in performing in math-related fields from cognitive perspective. Generally speaking, men are good at mathematical and scientific problem solving while women are better in communication skills. Some evidences reported by Hyde, Spelke, and Spencer show rather than genetic factors, cultural contexts are the powerful elements which create this gender stereotype statement. Both boys and girls have equal ability to perform in math and science problems. However, as they get older, more men go on to math and science related fields. The article in The Psychology Matters states the reason for this phenomenon is more men are given opportunities to train in math and science problems. Another factor is the way math and science tests are given or how they are expressed. For instance, when women took tests in Spencer's study, given positive statements which overcome the gender disparity, they did better than those who were given negative statements based on stereotype. The cultural context within a society plays a great role in making gender differences. Since cognitive skills in math and science are not fully determined by biological factors, changing the way people are educated is essential to eliminate the gender differences. First, men and women will probably have an equal opportunity of going into math-related working forces if they are trained in proble
  • レポート 心理学 認識心理学 性差 理数 ジェンダー
  • 550 販売中 2006/11/20
  • 閲覧(1,612)
  • 心理学実験A
  • 心理学実験A 実験レポート 鏡像描写を用いた 反復試行による上達効果と転移効果 履 修 授 業 :心理学実験A 実 験 日・時 限: 担 当 教 員 : 学 籍 番 号 : 氏     名 : 提  出  日 : スクーリング受講状況: 【問題】  わらわれの日常習慣的な動作は、そのほとんどが、単なる運動機能の拡大によってもたらされたものではなく、知覚-運動協応によって基礎づけられている。その意味で、動作の習得は、「知覚-運動学習」といわれている。このような学習の成立過程を分析するため本実験においては、鏡像描写を用い、反復試行に伴う上達課程を調べ、どのような学習曲線がえられるかをみると同時に、先行する経験練習が後続の練習に影響する「練習の転移」の1つである「両側性転移」(利き手の練習が逆手への転移効果)がみられるかを検討する。【方法】  <被 験 者> 中部学院大学 心理学実験Aスクーリング受講者7名と教員1名の計    8名を、各4名の実験群(反復練習あり)・対照群(反復練習なし)とする  < 器 具 > 鏡像描写器1台・ストップウォッチ1台、不規則パターンの14種類の図形(全長6
  • 実験 心理学 心理 学習 運動 転移 能力 測定 時間 知覚
  • 770 販売中 2009/09/16
  • 閲覧(5,465)
  • The Day a Week Starts
  • The Day a Week Starts I attended the Jewish Friday Sabbath service at the Temple Israel in Omaha at 7:30 pm on Friday, November 11th. The congregation of this temple is the Reform; therefore, the beliefs of worshipers are more liberal than other Jewish congregations. During the service on that day, people sung, the Rabbi talked, a guest speaker from university gave a lecture, and a lady was converted. After the service, some people moved to the different room to get together and had some conversation over refreshments. The building of temple is described as plain, but it has elegant characteristics. Inside the temple was not very much decorated with arts, but there were many worded remembrances of Jewish history and beliefs on the walls. There was a section where many goods which were made in various times of history were displayed. Compared to the Asian religious places that I know of, Temple Israel looked very different. If I express some of the Asian religious places as a strong, dignified places, it is rather simple but elegant: with the white-based walls and colorful stained glass in the higher parts of side walls. There were three statue-looking objects in bright colors behind the see-through curtain at the very front of the room. I did not know what they were called, but they looked that they were sacredly kept. They were taken out during the service. My impression of the service for worshipers was to share a meaningful time with other worshipers and to gain better un
  • レポート 哲学 ユダヤ教 サバス ヘブライ語 儀式
  • 550 販売中 2006/11/26
  • 閲覧(1,683)
  • 教育課程とは何か(A判定)
  • 「教育課程とは何かについてその基準と編成原理、今日的課題についてまとめなさい。」  教育課程とは、学校教育法によって定められた学校教育の目的や目標(第17条、第18条)を達成するために編成され、教育内容を児童または生徒の心身の発達に応じて授業時数との関連において学習指導要領に示された内容を総合的に組織したもので、各学校で行われる教育の中核となる教育計画である。学習指導要領は1947年に初めて発行されて以来、改訂を重ねてきたが、常にその時代の社会に求められる教育のあり方などが盛り込まれ、それをもとにして教育課程は教育の現場となる各学校で編成され、実践されてきたのである。 各学校が教育課程
  • レポート 教育学 学習指導要領 教育課程 教育 学校教育課程論
  • 550 販売中 2007/05/02
  • 閲覧(2,176)